Category Archives: London

October 09

The Super Nova

Thanks to the relentless hounding of the paparazzi, Amy Winehouse’s private battles were fed to us like candy. The drugs. The booze. The roller coaster marriage. However her ten year struggle with bulimia was never attacked—sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll are much more alluring subjects to pounce on. This terrific article in Pitchfork by Kayleigh Hughes talks […]

March 04

The Fiesty Feminist

Rachel has been calling herself a feminist since she was 18. Bold, bright and sharp as a needle, she philosophizes and writes about women, bodies, society’s rather bossy view of women’s bodies and other musings on her brilliant blog. She’s a much-loved and respected voice in the Sydney Morning Herald,, Cosmopolitan and TEDx talks, and her […]

December 07

The Advertising Acrobat

Stella is usually called Mother at the advertising agency she works for in London. She runs the Creative Department, keeping her brood humming, and ensuring the writers and art directors refrain from tattooing their knuckles onto clients’ faces. Managing creative people is no easy task; you have to be highly creative yourself to pull it […]